

Register with Lummys as a Brand.

Upload your Content

Upload the branded social media content you want to post. Upload content, not an advertisement.

Choose your Feeds

Select the Facebook and Twitter Publisher feeds that you want to publish your branded content.​

Engage with your Audience

Via social media discussions and traffic to your redirect URL, engage with your target audience.

What is a Brand?

Lummys’ Brands range from large corporations to smaller businesses to products to services to people to anything and anyone who wants to engage with a specific audience.

What is Branded Social Media Content?

Branded Social Media Content is content, not an advertisement. An advertisement focuses on the product or service being sold. Branded Content focuses on the story being told and, more specifically, on the engagement between the brand and the audience. Lummys’ Brands post Branded Social Media Content.

How is Lummys different than a Facebook or Twitter advertisement?

Facebook and Twitter Advertising focuses on one-to-one marketing, giving the advertiser the ability to target individual users based on their geographics, demographics, psychographics, and keyword-usage. Lummys does not target individuals. Lummys targets audiences with shared interests. With Facebook and Twitter, you post ads that target men between the ages of 25-30 who live in California and frequently type “ultimate Frisbee”. With Lummys, you post your Branded Content within the Facebook and Twitter ultimate Frisbee feeds that best target the ultimate Frisbee fans you want to engage with.