Hapoel Fall Soccer – 5763 (2002) – Week Three

Boy’s Chatzi (Four Holy Cities) League

Play Hard
Team Tsfat recorded their third win of the season. And, two players had stand-out performances. The first player has been the defensive stronghold for Team Tsfat all season. And, in week three, this player took his game to an even higher level. This player who is a defensive powerhouse is from Team Tasfat and he is…Max Byer.

The second player who had a stand-out performance this week, played goalie the entire first half last week and recorded a shut-out (no goals scored against him) and played forward late in the game and recorded an assist. This week, this player added a goal to his contributions to Team Tsfat. This stand-out player from Team Tsfat and is…Ariel Baron. These two boys play HARD. We are proud to announce that the two players from Team Tsfat that are the Hapoel Silver Spring S.C. “Play Hard” players of the week are… Max Byer and Ariel Baron.

Past “Play Hard” Players of the Week:
Week 1 – Zeke Melman (Team Hevron)
Week 2 – Shalom Sukol (Team Hevron)
Week 3 – Max Byer (Team Tsfat), Ariel Baron (Team Tsfat)

Play Smart
Despite Dovid Feldman’s winning the “Play Smart” player of the week the past two weeks and scoring a double hat-trick this week (6 goals), there is a new “Play Smart” player of the week. There was one player this week that put on a gorgeous performance. Though he “only” scored one goal and one assist in his game, this player was the driving force behind his team’s win and showed excellent creativity all over the soccer field. He played hard. And, he played smart. We are proud to announce that the Hapoel Silver Spring “Play Smart” Player of the Week is, from Team Hevron,… Yisroel Mond.

Past “Play Smart” Players of the Week:
Week 1 – Dovid Feldman (Team Tsfat)
Week 2 – Dovid Feldman and Akiva Singer (Team Tsfat)
Week 3 – Yisroel Mond (Team Hevron)

Be a Mensch
This week a player on Team Hevron showed himself to be one of the top players in the league. This player had a stand-out performance. Not only did this player have the assist on the first goal of the game, he also finished the game with a hat trick; three goals. He played hard, he played smart, and he was a mensch. We are proud to announce that the Hapoel Silver Spring S.C. “Mensch” player of the week is, from Team Hevron,… Jonathan Galitzer.

Past “Mensch” Players of the Week:
Week 1 – Team Yerushalayim
Week 2 – Yisroel Teitelbaum and Saadia Tuchman (Team Tiveria)
Week 3 – Jonathan Galitzer (Team Hevron)

Scores, League Standings and Leading Scorers

Game Scores: Team Hevron 5 – Team Yerushalayim 0
Team Tsfat 8 – Team Tiveria 0

Win Loss Tie
Team Tsfat 3- 0- 0
Team Hevron 2- 1- 0
Team Tiveria 1- 2- 0
Team Yerushalayim 0- 3- 0

Leading Scorers:
Dovid Feldman (Tsfat) 37 points 18 goals 1 assist
Zeke Melman (Hevron) 9 points 4 goals 1 assist
Jonathan Galitzer (Hevron) 9 points 4 goals 1 assists
Akiva Singer (Tsfat) 8 points 3 goals 2 assists
Yisroel Mond (Hevron) 3 points 1 goal 1 assist
Ariel Baron (Tsfat) 3 point 1 goals 1 assist
Eli Bergman (Yerushalayim) 2 points 1 goals 0 assists
Saadia Tuchman (Tiveria) 2 points 1 goal 0 assists
Eliezer Shames (Hevron) 2 points 1 goals 0 assists
Yoel Jaffe (Tiveria) 1 point 0 goals 1 assist
Max Byer (Tsfat) 1 point 0 goals 1 assist

Looking Forward to Week 4

1:00 – Team Tsfat vs. Team Yerushalayim – Tsfat is undefeated this season. Yerushalayim is looking for their first win of the season. Everyone is expecting a hard fought match.
1:30 – Team Hevron vs. Team Tiveria – Team Hevron had a strong win this week. Tiveria is hungry to avenge their loss this week. The league’s advice to Team Hevron,…be careful.

Boy’s K’tana (Four Malochim) League

Play Hard
This week, we have two “Play Hard” players of the week.

Team Urial has been looking for a win this season and they finally got it. With 10 seconds left in the first half, Duvie Bergman lifted his team with a hard shot in the corner of the net (after being set up by Nathaniel Mayberg). For starting the Urial scoring run, our first, of two, “Play Hard” Players of the week is… Duvie Bergman.

Team Urial had their first win in an exciting game against Team Gavriel. Despite losing in the end, Team Gavriel shut out Urial until 10 seconds were left in the first half thanks to the outstanding defensive play of Dovid Nachman Fisher. The Hapoel Silver Spring Soccer Club wishes a mazel tov to our two “Play Hard” players of the week, Duvie Bergman of Team Uriel and, of Team Gavriel, Dovid Nachman Fisher. .

Past “Play Hard” Players of the Week:
Week 1 – Avrohom Mond (Team Rafael)
Week 2 – Mendel Cohen (Team Michael)
Week 3 – Duvie Bergman (Team Uriel), Dovid Nachman Fisher (Team Gavriel)

Play Smart
This week we have three “Play Smart” players of the week.

The two undefeated teams of the league faced-off against each other this week: Team Michael vs. Team Rafael. Team Michael had been planning their game against Team Rafael all week. In the first half, Max Frankl and Noah Horn combined for 3 goals. They then spent the second half playing defensive roles to complete a 3-0 shutout. For playing the roles assigned to them perfectly. Two of the three “Play Smart” Players of the week are, from Team Michael, and it is the second time that each of these boys have won this honor this season. The Hapoel Silver Spring Soccer Club is proud to announce that two of the three “Play Smart” players of the week are …Max Frankl and Noah Horn.

Team Michael defeated Team Rafael in the battle of the undefeated teams in a very tough match-up. However, until the last second, Naftali Shwartz played with every ounce of strength and kept setting up plays through his excellent passing skills. The third “Play Smart” Player of the week is, from Team Rafael… Naftali Schwartz.

Past “Play Smart” Players of the Week:
Week 1 – Max Frankl (Team Michael)
Week 2 – Noah Horn (Team Michael)
Week 3 – Max Frankl (Team Michael), Noah Horn (Team Michael), Naftali Schwartz (Team Rafael)

Be a Mensch
This week we have two “Mensch” players of the week.

Team Uriel had their first win of the season this week. Ensuring that his team would achieve that first sweet victory, Sammy Mellman scored not once but twice in the second half to put the game away. For helping to give his team a win through his tenacity, smart play, and overall teamwork, Sammy Mellman is one of the two “Mensch” players of the week.

The second “Mensch” player of the week is the youngest player in the league. Though playing against boys that are bigger, stronger, and faster than he is, this player never gives up. Coach Frankl of Team Michael gives this special player an assignment every game and this player completes each assignment successfully each week. Even though he has not scored any points for Team Michael , he is a critical piece and one of the major reasons why Team Michael has not lost a game yet this season. We can only imagine how he will do in years to come against players his own size! The second “Mensch” player of the week, along with Sammy Mellman, from Team Michael, is…Yizchok Singer.

Past “Mensch” Players of the Week:
Week 1 – Yitzie Feldman (Team Gavriel)
Week 2 – Avi Pines, Simmy Ruchelman, and Naftali Schwartz (Team Rafael)
Week 3 – Sammy Mellman (Team Uriel), Yizchok Singer (Team Michael)

Scores, League Standings and Leading Scorers

Game Scores: Team Uriel 3 – Team Gavriel 0
Team Michael 3 – Team Rafael 0

Win Loss Tie
Team Michael 3- 0- 0
Team Rafael 2- 1- 0
Team Uriel 1- 2- 0
Team Gavriel 0- 3- 0

Leading Scorers:
Max Frankl (Michael) 15 points 6 goals 3 assists
Naftali Schwartz (Rafael) 7 points 3 goals 1 assist
Robert Ellenberg (Michael) 7 points 3 goals 0 assists
Sammy Mellman (Uriel) 6 points 3 goals 0 assists
Noah Horn (Michael) 5 points 2 goal 1 assist
Avrohom Mond (Rafael) 4 points 2 goals 0 assists
Duvie Bergman (Uriel) 4 points 1 goals 2 assist
Yaakov Singer (Michael) 4 points 1 goal 2 assist
Avi Pines (Rafael) 3 points 0 goals 3 assists
Yitzie Feldman (Gavriel) 2 points 1 goal 0 assists
Yonah Soskin (Uriel) 2 points 1 goal 0 assists
Simmy Ruchelman (Rafael) 1 points 0 goals 1 assist
Meir Retter (Uriel) 1 point 0 goals 1 assist
Nathaniel Mayberg (Uriel) 1 point 0 goals 1 assist

Looking Forward to Week 4

12:00 – Team Michael vs. Team Gavriel – Michael is undefeated this season. Gavriel is looking for their first win of the season. Everyone is expecting a hard fought match.
12:30 – Team Uriel vs. Team Rafael – With Team Rafael coming off their first loss of the season and Team Uriel “riding high” from their first win; this will be an excellent match-up.

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