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Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2022 4:11 pm
by lummys
Lummys Posts are composed of six parts:
Brand and Audience
1. Brand - Lummys Content includes a Brand. The Brand can be alluded to subtly or spoken to explicitly. But Lummys Content needs a Brand.
2. Audience - All Lummys Content is created with an eye towards an audience. Create content with this audience in mind.
Social Media Content
3. Title - Like a Facebook or Twitter post, Lummys Content needs a title.
4. Text - Like a Facebook or Twitter post, Lummys Content needs text below the Title.
5. Image - Attach an image, typically a jpg or a video. As the Title and/or Text (above) can, so to speak, fall off the image, you may want to include the Title, Text, or any other critical verbiage within your image/video.
6. URL - A URL that links to either a Publisher's Content, Brand's Content, or Lummy's Content (which can also have URLs embedded within it).